Hi there, my name is Danica and I am so glad that you are here. Some important things to know about me. I love Jesus with all my heart and I am so thankful for the gift of artistry that He’s given me. I’m super bubbly, outgoing and love a good brownie in a mug with ice cream and a Hallmark movie. I LOVE LOVE crafting of all kinds. Refurbishing furniture, sewing, sign making, woodworking, Dollar Tree DIYs. Oh and dance parties are my jam!

I am a wife and a mom and must give a shout out to all my mamas out there. YOU are truly amazing! You are why I do what I do. I love giving mamas time to step away from the daily grind of mommin, working, and chasing kids, Time to get out of your mom clothes and into a fun, beautiful dress in nature and just soak in the fresh air! 

Meet Danica